The Occupy Wall Street protesters marching to D.C. said their spirits were high Thursday - despite hitting a roadblock within hours of leaving New York.
The 24 demonstrators set off from their Zuccotti Park camp on Wednesday afternoon for the two-week walk to Washington, and were soon forced to reroute by New Jersey cops.
“We were trying to go over a bridge near Newark but cops wouldn’t let us cross it,” said Michael Glazer, one of the founders of the “Occupy the Highway” movement.
“They said it was too close to rush hour.
“We had to take a detour and ... it delayed us three hours.”
Despite the delay, the group still arrived at their first scheduled stop in Elizabeth, N.J., Wednesday night, where they slept at the home of a fellow Occupy Wall Street supporter.
Glazer said they have been inspired by the send-off they received in New York City and plan to march 18 miles to New Brunswick by nightfall Thursday, where they will meet up with the town’s local occupation movement.
“I'm stoked. We all feel great and are ready for the trek,” Glazer said.
“We are all in high spirits and determined.”
Along the route, which will take them through Trenton, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore, the group already has been greeted by trucks honking their horns in support, and the odd heckler.
They are equipped with backpacks, sleeping bags and tents, and plan to pick up supporters along the way.
They intend to end up in the nation’s capital on Nov. 23, in an effort to persuade elected officials to extend the Bush era tax cuts for the rich, or so-called “millionaires tax.”
For the moment, Glazer’s main concern however is the weather.
"I'm a little concerned about the rain - hopefully we won't be caught in a downpour,” he told the News.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/occupy-wall-street-s-march-washington-begins-hitch-protesters-undeterred-article-1.975636#ixzz1dKzv1400
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